Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mini Nutella Cheesecakes and a perfect Sunday

Long, LONG time, no post. I apologize. You see the problem is...most afternoons with my free time I find myself scouring blogs and recipe for that next thing I just HAVE to make. And most days I link the recipe to my Facebook page proclaiming, "Look! My next project!" Rarely, though, do I follow up with you on with fails and wins of those recipes. I would you see but with work, and chores, and errands, and day to day life blogging often starts to feel more like a chore than a way to relax and share. But moving forward I am going to make a more concerted effort to blog more frequently and keep you updated with all of the going ons in my kitchen and my life.

Today for example is a typical lazy Sunday around the house. Jeff and I sleeping in, watching sports (WHO DEY!!!) and eating some really good, comforting food. I so love this time of year when the house is just a little too chilly in the morning from the windows being open all night and I can see the steam coming up from my cup of hot tea (Earl Grey is my current jive). In the fall my Sunday mornings are usually spent making chili or soup, stuffed to the brim casseroles, or hearty meat loafs. But this morning, a day marked with sadness over another year without my father, my emotional needs took over and thus... I spent it making Mini Nutella Cheesecakes.

I found this recipe on last night and put my cream cheese/eggs out over night to come to room temperature. I promise you, this is important. With cheesecakes especially you want your cream cheese to be nice and soft so you don't get tiny chunks of it in your batter. I'll also note that I always leave my eggs out over night before baking and have never once been ill from it. The batter is VERY easy to make, the hardest part being measuring out the Nutella without eating it, and was just the right amount to fill 12 regular size muffin cups. When I make them again, not if but when, I will add about 1/4 cup of dark cocoa powder to the batter because, well, I am a chocoholic and just needed a tad bit more. Also, the texture? So luscious and smooth. Really the perfect, tiny dessert. No entire cheesecake to stare down.

But make these. Soon. <3


I did not follow the directions to the letter on the crust feeling very lazy this morning. Instead I just used 1 whole Oreo in the bottom of the muffin liner. While the perfect size and no real tragedy coming from it both Jeff and I agreed that it was just so-so tasting and following the recipe might have taken this trial from a 8 to a 10!



15 Oreo cookies
2 Tablespoons softened butter
2Tablespoons raw or roasted, skinned Hazelnuts
1- 8oz. block of cream cheese
2- large eggs, room temperature
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 sour cream
3/4 cup Nutella
1/4 dark cocoa powder, you can use any cocoa powder really
mini chocolate chips to top with


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners. 
  2. In a food processor, combine the cookies, hazelnuts and butter and process to very fine crumbs. Divide the crumbs among the cups and, using a flat-bottomed glass, press on the crumbs to compact them. Bake for 5 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, wipe out the food processor bowl. Add the cream cheese, Nutella, sour cream, eggs and sugar and puree until smooth. Spoon the filling into the cups until it nearly reaches the top; there may be a few tablespoons of leftover batter. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top and bake for about 20 minutes, until the cheesecakes have risen and the surfaces are lightly cracked. Let the cheesecakes cool slightly, then transfer the muffin tin to a rack and freeze for 10 minutes, until the cheesecakes are slightly cooled. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Baked Macaroni and Cheese. Can you even say that without smiling or going off into some dream like state? I doubt it. I can't tell you how many times growing up this appeared on the dinner table. What I can tell you is that every year on my birthday while other children picked Chuckie Cheese or one of those fancy McDonalds parties, I asked my mom to make this. It's a pretty sacred, special family recipe that no one and I do mean no one can possibly resist. It's way easier and cheaper to make then I thought once I rolled my sleeves up. I think you

My mother loved making this recipe. For years she swore up and down that grandma was hiding some part of it from her because it never tasted "quite like Mom's". After making it myself, I realized nothing ever tastes "quite like Mom's". That's the beauty of the experience. Everyone's own hand and touch imparts something different to a dish, even if you use the same recipe. Am I getting too philosophical about this? I'm sorry. It's just that this holds such a dear memory in my heart.

I first attempted this recipe last year on my birthday. I had been wanting to for year but the emotions I carried with it were hard to overcome. And there's that other part, of course. The part where I didn't have my mom to teach it to me. I had a mini meltdown over it. I felt entitled to. But then, I picked myself back up and went to the only other source I had. Grandma. I think putting it together and baking it as a family was a bit of a healing experience for us both. Even grandpa helped. We talked about mom. There were stories, laughs, and tears. And I felt honored for the occasion.

If you are looking for healthy, low fat, heart conscious, or light fare... this just isn't for you. Its a heavy dish with butter and tons of cheese. I'm sure you could make it healthy but I must then ask, why? Doing so will make you miss out on everything that is sooo wonderful about this dish. Its got an bubbly, cheesy crust. ( NO breadcrumbs here) The inside had that ooey, gooey, stringy effect that makes one oooh and ahhh. It's really a meal itself that need no accompaniments. Should you feel so inclined to do so, I recommend a big, green salad.

Although, the thought did just occur to me that one could add chopped ham, chicken, or smoked sausage to the mixture without complaint. Either way, you will probably never make the stuff in the blue box again. Unless you get nostalgic that is :)



2 cups macaroni noodles, cooked to package specifications
1 8oz. block of cheese, Mom used Cracker Barrel
4 oz. shredded Sharp American cheese
2 cups whole or 2% milk, non fat does not work well
4 Tbs butter
4 Tbs flour


1. Cook macaroni noodles to package specifications, drain and set aside
2. While the macaroni noodles are cooking, slice the block of cheese into 1/4 inch this slices
3. In a 1 quart sauce pan heat up 1 cup milk with 4 Tbs. butter until the butter on low heat
4. In a lidded container, shake remaining cup of milk with the 4 Tbs. of flour until well combined
5. Pour the flour and milk mixture into the butter and milk mixture still on low heat
6.Once the white sauce mixture has thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon, add the 4oz of shredded cheese and stir
7.Mix the macaroni and the cheese sauce mixture in a larger cooking pot


1. Take 1/3 of the macaroni and sauce mixture and pour it into your casserole dish
2. Arrange a layer of cheese slices, if needed to cover better sprinkle additional shredded cheese.
3. Repeat step one
4. Repeat step two
5. Put the last of the macaroni and sauce mixture on
6. Cover the above layer with whatever cheese you have left over


I bake this for 25 minutes art 350 degrees covered, then an additional 15 minutes uncovered. It WILL be very hot upon coming out of the over. Allow it to cool sufficiently.


1. I KNOW this sounds involved but I promise it is easy. 3 layers of macaroni, 3 layers of cheese.
2. Do not be intimidated by the white sauce, it will come together. Just keep it as a low heat. 
3. While mom used Cracker Barrel brand cheese, I have had great success with Kraft as well as Kroger and Meijer brands. Adjust the sharpness level of the cheese to your taste
4. This travels well and reheats like a dream. Just pop it back in the oven at 350 degrees covered until it is as hot as you like

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cheesecake Marbled Brownines

I've been neglecting you, haven't I? Earlier J chastised me for sitting over here on my butt hoarding delicious recipes from you. You see, it's been crazy around here and right in the midst of the craziness, the internet went kaput. It took 5 days and two technicians to figure out that someone at the main hub had unhooked something accidentally and then reconnected them backwards... *sighs*

I've also been stressed to the max dealing with family drama, friend drama, work drama, and not getting any sleep because someone is working extreme overnights... drama. It's thrown my whole schedule off and I'm a girl who likes her routines. On top of that, this weather has been a total buzz kill. You don't want to stay in, you don't want to go out. I find myself foolishly wishing for Summer but I know once it gets here, I'll be asking for Fall.

However, it does look like things are finally starting to calm down here. This week there is a better work schedule which Ive been praying for. And a lighter one at that. On Tuesday I have a big, important meeting. If you wanna know, email me. And thanks to my mother, I can rarely feel good about showing up anywhere without bringing some sort of goodies for the bunch. I figure I will bring my Peanut Butter and Jelly bars because they really are a huge hit. But I also want to bring something new. A knockout. Something totally unexpected from me and that is brownies. Cheesecake Marbled Brownies to be exact.

Cookies I can do. Cakes, casseroles, and candies are a breeze but brownies... ehhh. I could never get them quite right. I'm a very picky brownie eater. I like them thick, fudgy, soft, and not too rich.And whenever I would make them they would come out overdone, underdone, crunchy, too rich... never what I was hoping. So why on Earth I even attempted another batch is beyond me but I did. Maybe it was the combination of chocolate and cheesecake that I couldn't stay away from OR Deb's lovely pictures but I got sucked in yet again and BOY... am I glad!!

I feel like a rockstar. I can't even tell you. I tested this recipe four times with homemade brownie mix and box mix; with the cheesecake dolloped and swirled and spread and folded. Either way they were PERFECT. Not one flaw. I used my Perfect Brownie Pan which was pretty amazing I might say. And I did come out with a slight preference for style in the end.

While every version was fantastic, I prefer the cheesecake batter evenly spread over the brownie mix and then folded into it with a butter knife. It gave the best distribution of cheesecake to brownie in every bite. The handmade mix was great but the box mix was just fine. I used Ghiradelli Double Chocolate and a Duncan Hines Triple Chocolate.

The cheesecake mixture sets up wonderfully and tastes divine. It is not over powered by the rich chocolate and even does this wonderful thing to the brownie batter where it kind of sets up like the cheesecake itself. They are sooo moist and soft. A little too soft in fact which I hate to say because I do prefer a softer brownie. I found that when they look done, cook them five more minutes. Each subsequent batch turned out better than the one before. And my friends demolished the first pan in a couple hours :) As Deb says in her description.. I think they would make great bribing material for many occasions.

They are quick ( I had everything needed in the house for the box mix version) delicious, and addictive. Great with coffee or a tall glass of milk everyone will be soo pleased.

Cheesecake Marbled Brownies


1. Box mixes work great. My last batch was the Ghiradelli Double Chocoalte mix with the cheesecake batter evenly spread over the brownie mix and then folded into the brownie mix with the tip of a butter knife. I even threw a little bit of left over Ghiradelli White Chocolate chips into the brownie batter. These were my favorite and how I will be making them from now on.

2. They fooled me. I thought they looked done when the timer went off on the first batch. And while they weren't actually raw... they were very hard to handle. I baked each subsequent batch five minutes longer and was never disappointed. Yes, some of the cheesecake batter browned, no this did NOT affect the flavor.

3. They might hold up better stored in the fridge if you expect them to last longer then 24 hours just sitting around. Mine never did :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dinner and Dessert

Tonight, in a mere 45 minutes, is The Golden Globes! I am sure lots of you are moaning and groaning and that's fine with me. Wail away, I don't care. I LOVE these things! I love movies as many of you know. They don't have to be award worthy or even well acted for that matter. I just want to be entertained. I love getting lost in a good story. A real quick top five list in no particular order except #1?

1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Casino
3. Garden State
4.The Shawshank Redemption
5. Anchorman/ Super Troopers (Yes, Anchorman. Don't judge)

Movies were a big hit for mom and dad, too. We watched endless movies together and every year mom and I would watch all of the awards shows. I loved the dresses, I won't lie, and watching people all teary eyed up on stage accepting awards they were all sure were going to someone else. Mom would make all sorts of snacks and we would play Scrabble. I never once beat her no matter how old I got and she barely graduated from high school. It was a special time for us and now that she is no longer here, I try to at least make it a special time for me.

Tonight I am alone because J is working over nights for the moment which is good because he hates these awards shows even more than you do, I'm sure. So, I threw a load of laundry in washer and made myself some Penne Alla Vodka for dinner since writing about it last night got me craving it. It's simple and fast, adapted from Rachael Ray no less. And I'm with Deb on this one. Hate her silly catch phrases all you want but I wouldn't ever knock a thirty minute meal. Especially not one this tasty.

I'm thoroughly enjoying it with some Hedges wine that I picked up today at the Jungle. Along with a few other goodies I just had to have. My most fantastic Jungle Jims trip ever! And that's saying a lot.  I really can't say more than that but I got to see a different side of the business today and it was like Christmas all over again. Life is good.

And as the night goes on it's only going to get better. See, for dessert I made something called Everyday Chocolate Cake. It's not a chocolate cake in the traditional cake sense. It's a loaf cake really. But it's easy, delicious, and I've made it before so I don't even have to wait on it to be done to blog about it. It comes out moist with a deep chocolate flavor and it's one of those recipes that you find yourself looking at the timer just wishing it would hurry up already! It smells divine. And I always, always eat it warmed up with a scoop of Jeni's Queen City Cayenne ice cream. It can also be found at Jungle Jims or Jeni's online website, apprx. $10. The price isn't cheap but as a once in a while luxry, it's totally worth it. One scoop is almost always enough. The chocoalte and cinnamon hit your first and right at the end the warm cayenne pepper creeps up and wham! Smacks you in the face. It's the neatest combination of cold and hot. Just try it.

So, make some coffee and plop a scoop of this ice cream or just your favorite onto a warm slice of this cake. Let the ice cream melt a bit, and then dig in. It's a treat that honestly is so hard to top. As the name says, I would eat it everyday if I didn't want to be rolled out of the door :)

Penna Alla Vodka
Everyday Chocolate Cake
Jeni's Ice Cream