Hi guys! Sorry, I didn't post yesterday. The day started out innocently enough but soon began a free fall into unhappiness. First, my friend time got cut out. No big deal, really. I was just so looking forward to it. Second, my furnace went all psycho on me. I had to have a repair man come fix it. I paid $200 for a $5 part and his time. (Grrr!!) And once I finally got warm again, I got sick. By 3 PM, I was starting to feel like death warmed over. (We will take yesterday as a blessing, Adrienne!)
To top it all off, I'm just not looking forward to Christmas yet and it's less than 72 hours away. I haven't bought a single gift. I don't even know if I have any plans yet! And what sucks is that 99% of it seems totally out of my hands. I don't know what make me more sad. Not having plans yet OR me just wishing Christmas were already over. And with that bah hum-bug sentiment... how did I rope myself into this festive baking project, anyways???
All it's been doing is reminding me of mom and dad and holidays past and all the things I no longer have and that I'm missing out on. Christmas dinners, excitement, a family! Ughhhh!! I honestly feel like a crazy person. I needed and still need a break and to relax. So, today I made two easy recipes to catch up for missing yesterday and to keep my sanity in tack.
The first one is Peppermint Bark. One of my favorite things. I could eat it all year and probably will now that I know how simple it is to make. The second is something my mother used to make just whenever we needed a snack around the house and they are called Haystacks. They are a super easy, candy-like treat that even a 10 year old could whip up mostly on their own.
I only have one note and it's regarding the Haystacks so I'll just put it here. Instead of using Butterscotch chips, you can substitute Chocolate chips. Also, I left out the nuts. I just used a tiny bit more noodles in their place. Now I can go back to my bed and to Netflix and pretend like Christmas isn't happening for another 3 days! Or... at least I can try. I have a special post tomorrow! :)
Peppermint Bark
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